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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Caught by their own greed?

There's an interesting story about Premier Booting, the company that is booting cars all around the Grove. 

I have received so many complaints over the years from people wanting me to me to do stories. One prominent Grove businessman had an idea to sort of vandalize their signs to warn people about parking in the lots that use the booting company! That's how frustrated people are.  

I did a story here in May, where the Police Commander, Mike Gonzalez, added a bunch of things not do to so as not to get booted. There were mixed reactions. People feel that if you illegally park, you should be booted or ticketed. Fair enough. But now Premier Booting is being questioned by the city about the city's share of the booting fees, they feel that they were allegedly cheated out of $186,000 and more.

And you know what my question is? Was the City of Miami screwing over their residents? The City gets $25 from every $89 booting fee. Why? 

Why does the City always have its hand out? We lost most of the events here in the Grove because of the City's greed, they have their hand out for everything. I'm no friend of the booting company either, that stalks people and gives false tickets many times by allegedly deceptive practices.

I do blame the land owners where parking is allowed. Do you realize CVS and Yacht Harbor (they own and boot at the parking lot on Grand Avenue, next to the gym)  and all the other places that you are hurting residents and tourists and people who visit have told me to my face that they will never return to Coconut Grove because they were allegedly booted wrongly? If the city gets $25 of the booting fee, how much does Yacht Harbor get? How much does CVS get? And the US post office, how much do they get as their cut? And the lot on Fuller Street? 

The booting company is a menace to Coconut Grove, but so is the City of Miami. Here is a full story in the Herald about the alleged booting scam (where the booting company scammed the city), which I sort of like. You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But in the end, I'd like to see the booting company fired and the city stop screwing over the residents.

From the Herald story: "Premier Booting, which manages more than 20 parking facilities, reported to Miami that it deployed an average of seven boots per day in the last year. In contrast, Elite Booting, which operates only three parking facilities, reported placing 18 boots on cars per day during the same period."

I had to laugh because I have practically seen Premier boot seven cars in seven minutes. Anyone can see it. Stand at the Yacht Harbor lot for a bit and see what goes on. They sit in the lots and stalk people and cars. They've almost killed people in the CVS lot because of the way they speed around trying to boot cars before people return to them. They speed from one end of the lot to the other like maniacs. It's all about quantity with them and for them to say they only boot seven cars a day? That makes me laugh.

For linking to this one story, just click on the time it was posted & just this story will open for sharing - only through social media. Not copying and pasting.


Blogger James said...

By the same argument, why should a business subsidize free parking? Someone parks at CVS and then decides to go to lunch or conduct other business, and then CVS has no parking spots for their customers. Don't park in places you're not supposed to and you won't get booted. Seems simple enough to me.

August 12, 2017 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yacht Harbour receives $0 from Premiere Booting or any booting company.

The association as an owner is responsible for making sure that parking fees are collected. The parking at Yacht Harbor is outsourced to a parking lot company that has managed many parking lots in the Grove. The fees pay the taxes and the 50% of profit that goes to charity. The remainder is minimal considering upkeep and administration.

Over the years we have manned the gates, considered pay to enter and with most open lots in the Grove and the Gables, have found that there is less traffic jam on the streets and easier experience with using an open lot and payment kiosk.

Many people do not pay. In the case of daily or monthly passes they are often not displayed correctly. Yacht Harbour's own residents and guests have been booted but rarely when the procedures are followed.

People complain about the lack of parking all the time. What other than firing the booting company would you suggest to enforce payment that allows prime real estate to be open to the public for parking?

A bit surprised that you find vandalism suggestions worth publishing. That's a real neighborly thing to suggest. Yacht Harbour takes pride a long standing Grove institution and many residents fight for and assist in many ways in the Grove.

I can understand the consternation of being booted. From our experience, the booting in our lot is rarely unwarranted.

Yacht Harbour would never knowingly do business with a corrupt contractor or subcontractor so bringing this piece to light is appreciated. The lack of perspective e.g., nopays, vandalism, and cheats but only blaming the land owners for booting - not at all.

August 12, 2017 10:09 AM  
Blogger Tom Falco said...

Put Gene back in the lot. There were no problems when he was the attendant!!!!!!!

August 12, 2017 10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) he was and is a loved fixture at Yacht Harbour. However, that arrangement costs more in wages and benefits than that lot makes. But I do understand the sentiment.

August 12, 2017 10:25 AM  
Blogger REID PREATT said...

Yahcht harbot developed by two jewish guys I believe put in the By-Laws it goes to some Jewish Federation or charity. Believe me I know the owners are not happy about it. Say your name please. Those who developed Yacht Harbor long gone

August 12, 2017 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miami Parking Authority is the monopoly collecting money from us for years and the parking problem gets worse every day. Where is our affordable, convenient parking garage?

August 12, 2017 2:16 PM  
Anonymous Jack said...

Read the signs and follow the rules. It's that simple. Years ago I was towed from the Post Office parking lot. I learned my lesson. Also being booted is much cheaper and convenient than being towed.

August 12, 2017 5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reid Prevatt , "two jewish guys", really?
Are you in Charlottesville ? ( is so stay there)

August 12, 2017 9:06 PM  
Blogger AMaerTaylor said...

reid prevatt - thats a really racist comment. who cares if they where Catholic, Jewish, black or gay? You could have simply said the developers. And you answer is easily found on Google.

August 13, 2017 10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgive him, he is not too smart.

August 13, 2017 2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reid needs to be educated, not excused. Obviously, he's not the only one.

August 13, 2017 8:59 PM  

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